[Explained] What is the Blue Light on Water Dispenser?

Water dispensers are like mini refrigeration units for water. Depending on your needs, it can make the water cooler or warmer. Using one, however, can be a bit confusing at times. especially if you are not accustomed to the LED indicators that they use to communicate with you.

Different colored LED lights on your water dispenser can mean different things. So, what is the blue light on the water dispenser? Well, the water is blue. Thus, the blue light on water dispensers usually indicates that your water dispenser is low on water.

But that’s not all. Depending on your water dispenser model, or the situation (like the weather) it can mean several other things. So, here’s what the blue light actually means and how to fix it.

What is the Blue Light on Water Dispenser

What the Blue Light is for in Different Water Dispensers?

As we’ve stated earlier, a blue indicator in your water dispenser can mean different things. However, the most obvious one of them is the low supply of water.

1. Water Shortage

When the water dispenser senses that there is a shortage of water, it reminds you to add water to the dispenser by flashing blue. So, fill your dispenser as soon as possible. For dispensers that take water bottles rather than supply intake, replace the bottle with a filled one.

In some cases, the water pump in the dispenser will stop working when it is low and it’s blinking blue light. And it won’t work until you refill.

2. Cooling Cycle

If your water dispenser uses a blue indicator for cold water, which most dispensers do, the blue light indicates nothing but a cooling cycle. In that case, you do not need to attempt any fix, nor there is anything wrong with your water dispenser unit. The blue light is just indicating that it is going through a cooling cycle to lower the water temperature to your set parameters. And it will continue blinking blue until the water’s all cooled down.

3. Malfunctioning Thermostat

Another indicator of that blue light is a malfunctioning thermostat. You will notice it, particularly during heavy winters. Try lowering the thermostat if you notice your cold water compartment is very chilly or looks like it is about to freeze. After lowering the thermostat, it usually goes away in an hour or so.

Another reason might be the hot water thermostat is not working as intended. So, the water is getting unusually cold, causing the blue light to blink.

So, check both hot and cold water thermostats. The thermostat is made of several units, like the relay unit and the compressor unit. Check them thoroughly and replace the malfunctioning part to fix it.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What do the lights mean on my Primo Water dispenser?

On Primo water dispensers, the green circle is an indication that the hot control is ready for use. For heating, it uses a red indicator and for cold, it’s blue as usual.

What’s the difference between the white and blue taps on a water cooler?

For dual taps, the blue tap indicates that it dispenses cold water for drinking and the white tap dispenses room-temperature water for cooking and other purposes.

How long does it take for a water dispenser to heat up?

Depending on your model and its compressor capability, it can take up to an hour for the water dispenser to heat up.

Should I turn off water dispenser at night?

Water dispensers are designed to run all the time. But, for energy efficiency and to save up on your electricity bills, you should turn off the water dispenser at night.

Final Thoughts

When running through a cycle, for example, you’ve changed the water bottles, it is quite normal for your water dispenser to blink blue for quite a while. However, a continuous blue light means there’s something wrong with the warming or cooling unit of your water dispenser. Seek professional help immediately. Thanks for reading.

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