How to Clean Vitapur Water Dispenser? Easy Steps Guideline

One of the mistakes many people make is leaving their water dispenser for long without any maintenance. However, regular maintenance of your water dispenser is important, to ensure that it functions properly and the water it filters remains clean so that it’s safe to drink it.

So, if you own a Vitapur water dispenser and are wondering how to clean it, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will explain how to effectively clean different parts of your Vitapur water dispenser effectively and what materials you need for that.

How to Clean Vitapur Water Dispenser

Cleaning Vitapur Water Dispenser

Just like other devices, your water dispenser needs regular cleaning every 4 months to work its best and stay germ-free. Cleaning it often helps prevent bacteria and keeps it working well. Luckily, most of the equipment required is readily available in regular households. Here’s what you need to start the cleaning process of your Vitapur water dispenser.

  • Mild dish soap or vinegar
  • Water
  • Soft cloth or sponge
  • Cleaning brush or pipe cleaner
  • Sanitizing solution (bleach or hydrogen peroxide)
  • Empty bucket

The Cleaning Process

When you have gathered all the required materials, it’s time to start the cleaning process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do that.

  • First of all, you will need to power off your Vitapur water dispenser. To do it, unplug your water dispenser. Make sure to remove the water bottle. Also, check the water reservoir. If there’s any water left in it, empty it into a bucket.
  • Now dismantle all the removable parts. Depending on your Vitapur water dispenser model, you may or may not have any removable parts. Usually, the removable parts are the drip tray, baffle, water reservoir, etc. To clean them separately, remove them.
  • With all the parts dismantled, it’s now time to start the cleaning process. First you should start with cleaning the exterior surface. Use a damp cloth or sponge with soapy water, wipe down the exterior surface of the dispenser. Wipe to clean the top side, front panels, etc. Avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch the surface.
  • Now clean the dismantled parts. Use soapy water to clean the removable parts like the driop tray. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently scrub away any dirt or residue. Rinse thoroughly and allow them to dry completely before reassembling.
  • If your Vitapur water dispenser comes with a removable water reservoir, remove it. Again, use warm water with mild dish soap to clean it. You can also use a cleaning brush or pipe cleaner to scrub any hard-to-reach areas. When done, rinse it thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
  • This dispensing area too can accumulate dirt and debris. Take a piece of cloth, soak it in soapy water and use it to clean this area. Make sure to reach into cavities. When done, rinse and wipe it dry.
  • When you are done with the cleaning process, you can either leave it at that, or you can sanitize the entire thing for additional and thorough cleaning. To sanitize the water dispenser, you can use a sanitizing solution.
  • Diluted Bleach Solution: Mix 1 teaspoon of bleach with 1 gallon of water. Use this solution to wipe down the interior surfaces of the reservoir and other removable parts. Rinse thoroughly afterward to remove any bleach residue.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Use this solution in the same way as the bleach solution to sanitize the interior components.
  • Once all parts are clean and dry, reassemble your Vitapur water dispenser and plug it back in. Place a fresh new water bottle.

(FAQs) Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

How many times should I clean my water dispenser?

It’s important to maintain the cleanliness of your water cooler or dispenser and enjoy its full benefits and to keep your drinking water free from contamination, you should clean your water dispenser at least every six months.

Do I need to clean the inside of my water dispenser?

Manufacturers generally advise cleaning your water cooler every three to six months, adjusting the frequency based on usage. While the controls and outer surfaces should be cleaned more frequently to eliminate bacteria transferred from hands as well as splashes from cups and glasses, you should also consider cleaning the inside of your water dispenser as well. Clean the inside of the detachable parts.

What liquid is used to clean stainless steel?

If your water dispenser is made of stainless steel, you can use methylated spirit, isopropyl alcohol or acetone to clean it. Depending on your cleaning intensity, you may need to apply it several times to fully remove the marks.

How do you clean a smelly water dispenser?

If your water dispenser is dirty to the point that the water is smelly, you need to deep clean your water dispenser. To do it, soak every detachable part of the dispenser in vinegar or warm soapy water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Clean the exteriors as well and wipe down everything with a damp cloth.

To Sum Up

Cleaning up your Vitapur water dispenser is really important, not only to ensure proper water quality, but also to increase its service life. So, clean it every once in a while, or at least twice a year. You can even purchase a cleaning kit that’s sold separately to properly and thoroughly clean your Vitapur water dispenser. Remember to properly assemble everything after you are done with the cleaning process. Also, always turn off your dispenser before you start the cleaning process.

Thanks for reading!

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