[Explained] How Long to Run Water After Changing PUR Filter?

It is a commonly known fact that filters that use the reverse osmosis process to filter water, should be flushed before the first use. not only that, but they need to be flushed when not being used for quite a while. But why is that? Well, because a flushing cycle will help the filter to remove the microbiological organisms that grew inside the filter when it was not being used.

PUR (Faucet Filtration Systems) water filters are no different in this regard. So how long to run water after changing PUR filter? Well, the answer is at least five minutes, you should let the water run through it.

How Long to Run Water After Changing PUR Filter

Running Water After Changing PUR Filter: The Proper Way

So now you know how long to let the water run through your PUR filter after a replacement. But is that all? Of course not.

Not all faucet supply water at the same speed. And PUR filters come with a limited run-through limit. In general, PUR faucet filters are good for about 100 gallons of the water filtration cycle. That is a little less than 400 liters. So, for a high-speed faucet, running it for 5 minutes can potentially run down quite a big chunk of its lifetime.

For high-speed faucets, we recommend water-letting of not more than 10 liters.

Another important thing to remember is not to run water of more than 28° Celsius, or 82° Fahrenheit, otherwise your filters will be damaged. The PUR owner’s manual also recommends running only cold water after the first installation or a filter change.

How Often Should You Flush?

PUR recommends filter changing every three months. So, you should flush your PUR filter every three months. Also, flush it (let the water run through it) whenever you haven’t used it for more than a week. Because when not used for more than a few days, there will definitely be bacteria buildup. Also, new filters may contain chemicals that are not safe for drinking.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

How long does it take for water filter to start working?

The dry ceramic chemicals in your water filters take at least 5 to 10 minutes before starting to work completely.

Is water safe to drink after filtration?

To make it a hundred percent safe for drinking, make sure to boil the water before filtration.

Why is my water cloudy after changing filter?

After changing the filter, if there is water trapped on the inside, it will cause cloudy water. However, it should go away after a few minutes.

How do you tell if PUR filter is working?

If you see the flashing green indicator on your filter body, it is working.

Final Thoughts

Changing filters of your PUR faucet water filter is crucial as an ineffective filter is worse than no filter at all. Also, equally important is letting the water run through it for several minutes before starting to use the water. Hopefully, we were able to inform you of all the necessary details about flushing your filters. Consider leaving a comment if you have any further queries.

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