How Long Do Avalon Water Filters Last? Lifespan of Avalon Water Filter

Avalon water dispensers and coolers are some of the best water dispensers available in the market today. With bottleless operation and great two-way filters, they provide easy and hassle free water dispensing on a budget. However, with that two stage water filter, comes the question of maintenance and replacement. So, if you were wondering how long do Avalon water filters last, we’ve got the answer for you.

Typically, the two way filter in Avalon water cooler and dispenser lasts for six months. However, depending on your usage, you may need to change it sooner. Read on to find out when’s the proper time to change your Avalon water filter and how you can extend your water filter’s service life.

How Long Do Avalon Water Filters Last

Service Life of Avalon Water Filter

As mentioned earlier, your Avalon water filter comes in two stages. The first stage acts as a sediment and rust filter. The second stage acts as a carbon filter that eliminates chlorine, lead, bacteria, and any other harmful chemical and organisms from water.

However, to ensure the filter’s efficiency, you need to change it at regular intervals. Six months to be precise. But, if you are an avid water drinker and have already disposed of your Avalon water dispenser of 1,500 gallons of water, you don’t need to wait for six months. You have to change it immediately.

How to Tell if Your Avalon Needs a Filter Change?

Avalon water dispensers come with a filter indicator. The light should indicate red when you need to change the filter. A blinking red light will mean that you need to change the filter soon. A continuous red light, on the other hand, means that you need to change the filter immediately.

Additionally, your Avalon water dispenser will make a beeping sound continuously to indicate that the water is no longer safe to use without doing a filter replacement first.

How to Change Avalon Water Dispenser

Changing your Avalon water filter is really easy and straightforward. You just need to open the compartment and remove the two filters (white and black) by twisting it anticlockwise. Then install the two new filters by twisting them clockwise. That’s it. Now flush your newly installed filter for a couple of minutes and you are good to go.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

How often should water filters be replaced?

For residential applications, you should change your water filter immediately when you see a decrease in water pressure. Even if you don’t see any pressure change, replace it once every 12 months. For Avalon, it’s twice a year.

How long should a water filter last?

Water filters should last anywhere from 6 to 12 months. But filters based on reverse osmosis, alkalisers, etc. need to be changed once every 2 to 4 years.

What happens if you don’t change the water filter?

Apart from decreased water pressure, you’ll also face the risk of drinking contaminated water, since the water filter is what’s responsible for filtering out anything harmful from the water.


For regular usage, a filter change once every six months should suffice. However, for heavy users, you should keep a tab on your usage and do it once every 1500 gallons of water usage. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the filter change light as well. Hope you got all the information you were looking for.

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